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Praying Together

Outreach to the Community

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me,

I was in prison and you came to me.

Matthew 25 : 35-36


St. Barnabas has a long established commitment to community outreach.  Feeding the hungry has been our signature ministry for some years.  In 2019 the Outreach Commission was developed to support the ministries our parishioners feel most align with the mission of our parish.  Our current mission includes continued support of the Saturday Food Market Program and continued support of  Portland Rescue Mission and Shepherd's Door.


Please contact the Outreach Commission with questions on any of our outreach ministries or if you have an organization or idea you would like to propose.  We are grateful to all those who contribute and volunteer to help others.

Portland Rescue Mission

The parish supports the Portland Rescue Mission throughout the year by collecting needed supplies such as coats, blankets, and hats. 


Shepherd's Door

Shepherds door 2_edited.jpg

Shepherd's Door is a residential treatment program for women and their children managed by Portland Rescue Mission.  We support the program by planning, preparing and serving dinner to the residents ten times per year.  In addition, volunteers may offer craft activities for the children.  As women graduate from the year-long program, we provide graduation gifts to help them transition to life on their own.                               

Blue Skies Education Projects

Blue Sky Education Projects is a small 501 c 3 non profit supporting K-6 grade elementary schools, which is sponsored by our parishioner John Egan and supported by St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.  He has been raising money for the Central School In Puerto Galera, Philippines to construct a classroom.


St Barnabas donations greatly assisted with phase two roof construction and all of phase three.  The project involved three phases to rebuild an old 65 year old classroom. phase one , reconstruction  of walls,  windows and doors.

  • Phase two roof demo and new roof construction.

  • Phase three electrical, plumbing and bathroom. All are now complete. Work on phase three was delayed by flooding last month from a typhoon. School is now in session and the space is now in beneficial use to the delight of school staff and students. 

St. Barnabas Episcopal Parish
P.O. Box 19808
Portland, OR 97280
2201 SW Vermont St, Portland, OR 97219


Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs-8:00AM to 3:30PM

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