About St. Barnabas Episcopal Church

Our History
Founded first as St. Barnabas Mission in 1949 by the Reverend Francis H. Ball, St. Barnabas held its first services Christmas Eve, 1951, and was consecrated in 1953 as the first Episcopal parish west of downtown Portland. We then formed two mission churches - St. Bartholomew's in Beaverton, and St. James in Tigard.
St. Barnabas has since been the spiritual home of many in the Hillsdale and Multnomah neighborhoods. Many fondly remember the Rev. Robert F. Grafe, who served here for over 35 years. In December of 2013, we installed the Rev. Sean Wall. The Rev. Bonnie Stewart served as Priest in Charge from October 2021 until November 2024.​
A Place for Everyone
Around God's Table
We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, we are descendants of and partners with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, and are part of the third largest group of Christians in the world.
We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God's love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests and deacons in the church. Lay people and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of the church. Leadership is a gift from God, and can be expressed by all people in our church.
We believe that God loves you - no exceptions.
To learn more about the Episcopal faith, visit the websites of the national church or the Diocese of Oregon.
St. Barnabas is proud to be a member of the Believe Out Loud network.​

What do Episcopalians Believe?
Our Staff

Associate Clergy
The Reverend Janet Campbell

Interim Rector
The Reverend Jeff Frost
The Reverend Janet Campbell served in parishes and cathedrals in the dioceses of New York, Chicago, and Olympia (Western Washington) from 1988 until her retirement in 2022. Much of her ministry focused on worship planning, preparation, teaching and training at the parish, diocesan and national church levels. She finds joy in presiding in liturgy, writing sermons and preaching, helping a community develop its liturgical practice, and leading quiet mornings and retreats. She moved to Portland in 2022 to live near her son Jamie and is happy to have found a church home with the community of Saint Barnabas.
The Reverend Jeff Frost is a retired priest, previously serving in Oregon, Texas, Idaho, and California. During his diverse ministry of 30 years, he served small and large congregations in rural, suburban, and urban areas. His experience and training include: congregational development, transitional/interim ministry, and spiritual direction for groups and individuals. He and his wife, Ellen, love being a part of the Saint Barnabas community.

Parish Administrator

Musical Director
Loren Masánqué
Welcome Loren Masánqué as our new Interim Music Director. Loren is a local, as he graduated from Lake Oswego High and did his undergraduate study at Portland State University. He went on to graduate studies, receiving a Master of Sacred Music in Voice from the University of Notre Dame. Throughout his college career, he interned at a number of churches, including St. James Episcopal Church in Tigard. He was most recently the Minister of Music for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Jamestown, NY.
In addition to his education, Loren has devoted himself to music for some time. At Portland State University, he performed Sesto in Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito, Oberon in Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Arnalta in Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea. Involved in the local community, he has performed numerous times with the local chapter of Opera on Tap. In addition to directing and performing, Loren is a gifted teacher. He teaches singing, piano, and violin. His students have won and placed in various competitions, as well as achieving large scholarships and full funding for college education.

Organist / Pianist
David Wills-Ehlers
David played piano and organ in his youth and studied music while attending Reed College. The Episcopalians have always been close to his heart because of their commitment to music and liturgy, and he naturally finds St. Barnabas a nurturing home.
David and his wife, Ashley, were married in 2016 and moved to Gales Creek in 2020. They run an organic farm and are parents of two children.
Annual Meeting Reports

Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Building and Grounds
Service Commission
Stewardship Commission
Evangelism Commission
Pastoral Care Commission
​Worship Commission
Worship Commission
Outreach Commission
Clerk of the Vestry
Liz Perkins-Class of 2026​
Liz Martin​-Class of 2026
Elizabeth Draper-Class of 2026​
​Betty Woerner-Class of 2026
Meg Evans-Class of 2026
Leslie Coefield-Class of 2026
Jim Bennett-Class of 2026
Lisa Begley-Class of 2027