St. Barnabas Ministries
Within the Parish
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
1 Peter 4 : 10
Parishioners are encouraged to participate in the ministries of the church, putting their individual interests and talents to work. If you are interested in learning more, or in volunteering for a particular ministry, contact the church office.
Altar Guild Ministry
The Altar Guild is responsible for the care of the altar including set up, clean up, care of linens and arrangement of flowers. Flowers are distributed after the Sunday service to those with birthdays and anniversaries, those who are ill, or newcomers.
If you would like to donate altar flowers, the first step is to select an open Sunday on the Flower Chart located in the back of the church. The chart notes any special restrictions on colors such as purple for Lent or greens for Advent. You can even do non-floral arrangements! In the past we have had arrangements of canned food (for SW HOPE), mittens and hat trees for the homeless, and even a completed jigsaw puzzle of a bouquet!
Eucharistic Ministers
We have a dedicated group of Eucharistic ministers (EMs) who assist the priest during Sunday worship services. EMs administer the chalice and they may do readings. We are serving the communion at the alter now. There is EM training typically twice a year coordinated by the Rector and the Deacon.
This group assists with the readings at the Sunday worship services. They join the Eucharistic ministers in training.
Prayers of the People
Led by members of the congregation, parishioners write the prayers of the people tailored to each season of the Church year. The prayers are read during the Sunday worship services.
St. Honoré's Guild
St. Honoré's Guild is responsible for baking the bread served as communion.
St. Barnabas has both adult and youth acolytes who serve as Crucifer and torch bearers. We are always looking for new acolytes.
Ushers & Greeters
The ushers also serving as greeters for both Sunday services. They distribute bulletins and offer art supplies to children attending. Ushers carry the Communion elements forward, pass the collection plate, and direct parishioners during communion. They advise the Presider if any individuals have asked to have communion brought to them in the pew. Volunteers also serve as greeters prior to the 10 am Sunday service.
Media Booth
Our media booth contains all the equipment to run the sound system, live-stream video, and enhance the lighting in the sanctuary. It is typically staffed by two people for our 10 am Sunday service, one for video-streaming and one for the sound board. The media booth is also used for church meetings, concerts, recitals, and special services such as funerals and baptisms.
Music is an integral part of worship and fellowship at St. Barnabas, selected to explore the lessons of the day. Sunday's 10 am services are accompanied by organist David Wills-Ehlers. David shares his love for the organ with occasional concerts following the service which are also streamed on Zoom.
The St. Barnabas choir participates in the 10 am Sunday services, supplementing congregational singing and providing choral music to enhance worship. Come sing with us and meet our choral director, Loren Masanque. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm
Tone Chime Choir
The tone chime choir brings an additional element of praise to worship services. This group is currently on hiatus.
Education & Communication
Sunday School
A small group of volunteers teach children from kindergarten to 5th grade during part of the 10 am Sunday service. We look forward to welcoming your children in our Sunday School. This ministry is currently on hiatus - families with young children are welcome to worship together for Sunday services.
Faith at Home
Faith at Home is a weekly series that is held on Sunday evenings at 5PM. It is held on Zoom and covers a number of different subjects and topics. During Advent a Advent Lighting service is held.
Parish Communications
The Parish Communications Team was formed to coordinate messaging through the website, monthly newsletter, weekly email known as "The Buzz," social media and parish advertising. The team meets monthly to discuss messaging, imaging needs, upcoming programs and updates to the website.
Members of the church coordinate coffee hour after the 10 am Sunday service and offer hospitality support for scheduled events. There are five teams of volunteers, one for each week, to support coffee hours. Additionally, groups support the Portland Rescue Mission with special gatherings of needed goods, and the Shepherd's Door Ministry with volunteers and financial support as needed.
Biblical Garden
The biblical garden lies between the church and fellowship hall, Grafe Hall. With plants and trees indigenous to the Holy Land lovingly cared for by volunteers, the garden provides a welcome opportunity for parishioners to meditate, pray and visit.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
This ministry group sends cards and letters to the homebound on a regular basis. This group delivers cookies and poinsettias at Christmas and baskets at Easter.
St. Barnabas also has an active electronic prayer chain group with weekly updates.
Prayer Shawl Knitters
We have a decidated group of knitters and crocheters who make prayer shawls for those who are ill, hospitalized, or homebound. The shawls are blessed during a special service with the congregation participating in a "laying on of hands" prior to distribution.